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nike free run | 2010/12/14 10:14 | EDIT/DEL | REPLY
Each person has slightly different feet, so a great shoe for someone else might not necessarily be the best one for you. The shape of your feet, your weight
nike free run | 2010/12/14 10:14 | EDIT/DEL | REPLY
any foot problems, your running style and running surfaces (tarmac, sand, treadmill etc) and various other factors can affect which running shoe is going to suit you and your lifestyle the best.
nike free run | 2010/12/14 10:14 | EDIT/DEL | REPLY
You can divide your feet into one of three basic types - normal, flat or high arched. Have a look at your wet footprint on the bathmat when you get out of the bath.
nike free run | 2010/12/14 10:14 | EDIT/DEL | REPLY
If you see a full imprint, this means you are flat footed. If there is an arch cutaway, your foot is normal. If there is a very narrow band
nike free run | 2010/12/14 10:13 | EDIT/DEL | REPLY
or no band between the front and back of the foot, you have high arches. Foot type affects which sort of running shoes will be better for you. The normal foot tends to be the most biomechanically efficient and you will need shoes with moderate motion control.
nike free run | 2010/12/14 10:13 | EDIT/DEL | REPLY
If you have high arches, avoid stability or
motion control shoes, as these will limit foot mobility. If your feet are flat, high stability or motion control shoes with firm midsoles will
yahoo anti virus software | 2008/05/24 02:54 | EDIT/DEL | REPLY
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